October 21, 2013

Au Revoir Marc Jacobs! The last show of the designer for Louis Vuitton

Tears and applauses took place in the fashion show of Louis Vuitton for the Paris Fashion Week SS/14. The reason was the end of Marc Jacobs as a creative director of Louis Vuitton, thereofore, his last collection for the prestigious firm. The new was uncovered just minutes before the show. Dark lights, black colors, an amazing source, a train and a carousel were the explicit elements that expressed his farewell.

Jacobs was the director of the luxury brand during 16 years, and who led the "womenwear" of the brand. However, is now when he decides to say goodbye and he shows us on that explicit way, where some people called the performance as his own funeral. Huge plum´s hats, 40th ages smoking jackets, transparent dresses, multiple decorations in the shoulders of the outfits and awesome jewerly were some of the piece tht we could enjoy during the event.

It doesn´t have doubt  that is an emotive show with a magnificant staging, where the whole scene is colored by black. Actually, he has always known the exactly point to surprise the spectators in all his shows. In adiction, the guests of the event could enjoy an emotive and special press release where appear all the women who inspired to our designer: Coco Channel, Kate Moss, Barbra Streissand or the signer Lady Gaga. And with a last sentence as a dedicatory " To the showgirl in all of us"

Now he wants to focus in his own brand, and his fareweel will suppose an enormous change of course for the brand.

Natasha Poly

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